All Termux Commands List

Termux Commands List

Termux is an amazing terminal emulator app for Android that offers a wide range of Linux commands. Whether you're a seasoned user or just started to use Termux, you must have knowledge of basic Termux commands. So, in today's article, I will provide Termux command list with their usage. You can also check the image for the basic commands list and for more commands just scroll down and download the command PDF with their usage.

What Are Termux Commands?

Termux commands are the specific instructions to perform tasks in termux. For example, if you want to remove a directory in termux, you have to give the command - rmdir -r "directory name". Termux commands are same as Linux commands. If you have knowledge about the Linux commands, you can perform your tasks in termux easily without any problem, but if you are new to termux, then keep scrolling and gain knowledge about the termux commands as well as their usage.

Query Details
App Name Termux
Package Name com.termux
Supported System Android
Date 08-20-2023
Size 80 MB

Termux Commands List



apt Install and manage software packages
date Display or set the system date and time
curl Download files from a server
ls List files
cd Change directory
pwd Print working directory
mv Move files from one directory to another
cp Copy files
rm Remove files or directories
mkdir Create a directory
rmdir Remove an empty directory
chmod Change permissions of a file or directory
unme Print system information
top Show system resource usage
ps Display information about running processes
kill Terminate a running process
ping Test network connectivity
ifconfig Configure network interfaces
ssh Secure shell client
scp Secure copy
sshd Start the SSH server
ssh-keygen Generate SSH keys
cat Display contents of a file
head Display the first few lines of a file
tail Display the last few lines of a file
less Display a file's contents in a paginated manner
vi Text editor for editing files
nano Simple text editor for editing files
tar Create or extract compressed archive files
unzip Extract files from a zip archive
wget Download files from the web
htop Interactive process viewer
du Display disk usage of files and directories
df Display free disk space on the file system
find Search for files and directories
grep Search for text within files
sed Stream editor for modifying text
history View the command history
touch Create an empty file
file Determine the file type
ln Create hard or symbolic links
locate Find files by name
cut Remove section from each line of files
sort Sort lines of text files
uniq Omit repeated lines
diff Compare files line by line
wc Count lines, words of a file
alias Create aliases for frequently used commands
whoami Display the current username
uptime Show system uptime
uname Print system information
awk Text processing and pattern matching tool
tr Translate or delete characters from text
cal Display a calendar
df Display free disk space on the file system
du Display disk usage of files and directories
file Determine the file type
grep Search for text within files
head Display the first few lines of a file
tail Display the last few lines of a file
less Display a file's contents in a paginated manner
vi Text editor for editing files
nano Simple text editor for editing files
tar Create or extract compressed archive files
unzip Extract files from a zip archive
wget Download files from the web
htop Interactive process viewer
find Search for files and directories
sed Stream editor for modifying text
cut Remove section from each line of files
sort Sort lines of text files
uniq Omit repeated lines
diff Compare files line by line
wc Count lines, words of a file

Detailed Usage of Termux Commands

  • Mkdir

With the help of mkdir, you can create a directory in your Terux, to make a directory just type - 

mkdir TechExploiter

Now a directory will be created in Termux named 'TechExploiter'. You can give it a name according to your choice.

  • Rmdir

With the help of rmdir command, you can remove the directory in Termux. To do that just type -

rmdir TechExploiter

Change the directory name according to the directory you want to delete.

  • Cp

With the help of the cp command, you can copy the files in termux


  • Touch

With the help of the touch command, you can create files in Termux. For example - 

touch techexploiter.txt

  • Locate

With the locate command you locate the files in termux. For example - 

locate techexploiter

  • Wget
With the help of the wget command, you can download files from the internet very easily. Like - 


  • Unzip
Unzip is another cool command in Termux, with the help of this command you can extract the zip files. Like -


  • Tar
With the help of the tar command, you can extract the archive file in termux. Like -

tar ngrok-stable.tar.gz

  • Cat
With the help of the cat command, you can easily see the content of a file. For example -

cat techexploiter.txt

  • Vi
With the help of the vi command you can edit the files, it is a text editor. But you have to install it to use it, it doesn't come pre-installed.

vi techexploiter.txt

  • Sort
With the help of the sort command, you can sort lines of the text files.

  • Ping
With the help of the ping command, you can test the connectivity of a network. For example - 


  • Wc
With the help of the wc command, you can count the lines of a file.


So these are some of the most used Termux commands. There are a lot of commands, and I will update the remaining commands regularly. If you have any doubts regarding any command please ask me in the comment section.

Thank You!


What command is used in Termux?

The most used command in Termux is "pkg update and pkg upgrade -y". These commands are used to update termux packages. However, there are a lot of termux commands, you can find them in this post.

What are Termux Commands?

Termux commands are basically the commands used for performing the task in Termux. As Termux is Linux based terminal if you know about the Linux commands, you can easily use Termux.

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